This image is a photo of two out of the three men's soccer coaches. This photo was taken right before the game started as they wanted to get a cool picture with the two of them together. The image is in thirds which means that the two objects are main focus points. The background has a blurry look as the main two subjects are the focus point, and the background isn't the viewpoint/depth of field.

This photo is of Jacob one of the men's soccer team players. This was taken before one of their home games. This is a vertical action portrait that gives you the look at the main object which is the person. The balance between dead space and depth of view all leads you to look at the main object every time. The colors are all balanced and the white space drives your eyes to look at the player as it's the first thing your eyes will look at.

This image was a group photo of some friends that came to one of the soccer games. There are many objects to look at people wise while the dead space isn't greater than the white space. Your eyes are free to travel the objects, but they will steal lead back to the main object which is the group of people as the dead space isn't part of the true focal point.

This photo was taken from men's soccer against Anderson University. During half time as the boys were coming off the field. The person in the photo is Falk who plays for out men's soccer team. The composition of the photo is that the object is in the center as this is more of a horizontal portrait and not an action shot. Though this is more of a portrait he is still moving as you can see through the way his body is positioned. This photo is captured of a moving target while it's not a sports action shot his fluid body movements gives you this insight that he isn't a still shot. The dark contrast gives you more of a serious/dangerous vibe which gives the viewer the look of that this is supposed to be not serious, but more or less "game ready".
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